By Euromed Audiovisual
Published December 19, 2014
As the European Union’s programme of enhancing sustainable transfer of knowledge and best practices in film and television sector of the South Mediterranean region drew to a close after four years, it reviewed its work in supporting the development of the audiovisual sector in the South Mediterranean region in Tunis on December 2 and 3, 2014.
The programmes, known as Euromed Audiovisual III, had six grant projects out of which four were professional training programmes for film producers and directors: ACCESS, DOCmed, Greenhouse and Med Film Factory. All these projects contributed to producing new films, as well as built sustainable professional networks across and beyond the region.
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Overall, more than 70% of participants are about to finish their narrative or documentary feature film. About 60% of them decided to co-produce their project with another partner from the region.
While Dia Sud Med set up a sustainable network between three film schools in the region as poles of excellence in transmedia training, Terramed Plus set up a free video-on-demand platform online to show more than 100 hours of television programmes from six broadcasters to the north and south of the Mediterranean.
After discussing data collection, film funding and film distribution in the region, the gathering to decision makers and institutions in the region, as well as the European Union, to continue to support the development of the region’s audiovisual media sector.
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