By Iminza Keboge
Published September 15, 2022
Aster Guardians Global Nursing Award that is touted as being one of the world’s top awards in nursing with the highest prize money, is inviting nominations from nurses all over the world.
Aster DM Healthcare invites registered nurses from across the world to apply for the award by submitting nomination of their work English, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic or Tagalog via by November 30, 2022.
Nurses can apply in one Primary and up to two Secondary areas of contribution, namely – Patient Care, Nursing Leadership, Nursing Education, Social or Community service and Research or Innovation. The secondary areas of contribution can be optional.
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“After the success of the first edition of Aster Guardians Global Nursing Award which saw 24,000 applications coming in from 184 countries, we are going forward with the next edition of the award. I feel that nurses who form the backbone of the healthcare system are under-recognized while they are also overworked and over stressed. While doctors may be the brain of the healthcare system, I feel nurses must receive their due recognition,” said Dr Azad Moopen, Founder Chairman and Managing Director of Aster DM Healthcare.
Nurse Anna Qabale Duba from Kenya who was named the winner of the US$250,000 Award is now using the opportunity to build a school for children and adult learning in the remote village of Turbi in Kenya. Hailing from the same village she plans to bridge the literacy gap among nomadic rural communities in Northern Kenya.
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