Published November 23, 2012
SUBIOS, the Seychelles Annual Festival of the Sea, is set to give children particular attention on November 24, 2012.
Elsia Grandcourt, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, the organisers of the annual festival, dedicated the day of Saturday, November 24 to children’s activities.
Seychelles prides itself as being the leader in environment protection. The President of the Republic, James Michel, has personally led the campaign to have more than 50% of the island’s total land area declared protected national parks. The islands pristine environment remains also one of the Seychelles’ key USP, its unique selling points.
The Seychelles Tourism Board says that the events they organise open the door for the visitors to the islands to meet and share popular mass activities with the Seychellois.
Seychelles remains a very safe tourist destination, and there can be no better place for popular mass activities for tourists to enjoy and party alongside the local population.
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Meanwhile, Seychelles Festival Kreol has just recognised young Creolophone artists aged 4-21 years through its “Zenn Artis Lemonn Kreolofonn”, a regional and international art competition open to all Crelophone youth. The aim of the competition is to develop creativity and sensibility in young people, while at the same time fostering in them an appreciation of the values and richness of kreol culture.
The artists, authors of the 305 artworks, depicting the theme “Biodiversity,” received their prizes at the National Cultural Centre in the presence of governmental officials and regional delegates.
In his speech to officially declare the exhibition open, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Arts Council, Jimmy Savy, said the young artists have contributed, through their art, a transmission of Kreol culture and that even at a young age they are aware of the universal need to try to decrease global warming, as portrayed in their works.
In his address, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture, Alain St.Ange, reiterated that the exhibition is open to all Crelophonne artists and used the occasion, in the presence of regional and international press, to launch next year’s exhibition in the hope he said of obtaining a greater participation not only in terms of artworks but also of participating countries.
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The competition consisted of four categories: 4 to 7; 8 to 13; 14 to 17; and 18 to 21-years old. All winners received a prize and a trophy.